English Nursery Rhymes Winter Rhymes Lyrics
Winter, winter, Cold and snow, Hat on your head, Hands in your gloves.
Winter, winter, Cold and snow, Scarf around your neck, A warm woolly coat.
Winter, winter, Cold and snow, Look at your feet, Where are your socks? And boots!
It’s winter, it’s winter, Let us skate and ski! It’s winter, it’s winter, It’s great fun for me!
Winter hat Upon my head — My head stays warm, But my nose is red!
Winter, winter. Let’s go skate. Winter, winter. Don’t be late. Winter, winter. Let’s go roll. Winter, winter. In the snow. Winter, winter! Winter, winter!
This is the season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forest and park.
This is the season When children ski, And Santa Clause Brings a Christmas tree.

Winter Songs Lyrics for Children