The Bear Went Over the Mountain Lyrics
Traditional Song Lyrics
The Bear Went Over the Mountain Lyrics

The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain.
The bear went over the mountain
to see what he could see.

To see what he could see.

To see what he could see.
The bear went over the mountain
to see what he could see.

The other side of the mountain.

The other side of the mountain.
The other side of the mountain.
That's what he could see.

Oh, that's what he could see.

That's what he could see.
The other side of the mountain.
That's what he could see.

He saw another mountain.

He saw another mountain.
He saw another mountain.
Across the clear blue sea.

Across the clear blue sea.

Across the clear blue sea.
He saw another mountain.
Across the clear blue sea.

The bear swam out to the mountain.

The bear swam out to the mountain.
The bear swam out to the mountain
across the clear blue sea.

Across the clear blue sea.

Across the clear blue sea.
The bear swam to the mountain.
across the clear blue sea.

The bear had lunch on the mountain.

The bear had lunch on the mountain.
The bear had lunch on the mountain.
And drank a cup of tea.

And drank a cup of tea.

And drank a cup of tea.
The bear had lunch on the mountain.
And then he went to sleep!

[Thanks to Viva for lyrics]

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The Bear Went Over the Mountain Lyrics

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