A is for APPLE Song Lyrics

English Alphabet Song for Children
A is for Apple Song lyrics

A is for apple, apple, apple
B is for ball, ball, ball
C is for cattle, cattle, cattle
D is for doll, doll, doll
E is for eat, eat, eat
F is for fairy, fairy, fairy
G is for greet, greet, greet
H is for hairy, hairy, hairy
I is for itty bitty, itty, bitty, itty
J is for jump, jump, jump
K is for kitty, kitty, here kitty, kitty
L is for lump. lump. lump
M is for motion, motion, motion
N is for nutty, nutty, nutty
O is for ocean, ocean, ocean
P is for putty, putty, putty
Q is for queen, queen, queen
R is for repeat, repeat, repeat
S is for scream, scream, scream
T is for treat, treat, treat
U is for under, under, under
V is for vex, vex, vex
W is for wonder, wonder, wonder
What we'll do for X-X-X?
How about X-Ray? Yah!
X-Ray's good! What else starts with an X?
Xylophone! Oh Yah!"
Y is for yak, yak, yak
Z is for zoom, zoom, zoom
Now let's go back, back, back
And sing this tune, tune, tune!

A is for Apple B is for ball Song Lyrics Children

Read more: Kids Alphabet Song Lyrics
A is for apple Song Lyrics for children



Sing-Along Songs
Nursery Rhyme Songs